International legal seminars

International legal seminars:
Legal preparation for international assignments
If a manager travels abroad, his or her employer prepares them for different cultural circumstances in the new country. More over, they are faced with a legal context which differs in many areas from that on which they are used to and were familiar with trough their previous work.
KeSch Training International Experts prepare your managers in the field of law for their operations abroad:
They convey liability law conditions in target country or the important personnel differences in job interviews and dismissal meetings.
They know the local particularities of contract law, competition law, and other legal areas which affect the day to day work of a manager in the new country. This helps you to avoid unnecessary costs based on lack of knowledge.
International law seminars
KeSch Experts introduce you and your employees to the legal particularities of other countries, explaining the differences in property law, employment law, liability law, copyright law…
KeSch Training International Experts have detailed knowledge of the law both here and in the target countries. They are selected according to high quality standards, and ensure that the content of the seminars, training and coaching really gets trough to the participants. The seminars are available in more than 40 languages.
KeSch prepares your managers for their visit abroad from a legal perspective. KeSch offers language and culture-specific training in numerous areas of the law, plans and carries out multilingual training projects and supports you in holding your international conferences.
KeSch ensures the implementation of similar strategies in different countries.