Virtual project management
KeSch trainer is expert in International and Virtual project management. She has a graduate degree in Business Administration (University of Hamburg, Germany). Initially, she worked as channel manager in a beverages corporation for 2 years. She subsequently worked as key account manager in a food company for six years and after that in a beverages industry company. This was followed by four years as a division manager for international key account management. Then she was senior management member in a luxury foods industry company.
Since 2014, she has worked as a trainer, consultant and coach specialized in Management training, Virtual project management and Key account management. Additional focus areas are also international negotiation training, management coaching, team management and Virtual team management.
Her qualifications to perform training, consulting and coaching as KeSch trainer include an education as certified systemic business coach, an education as a business trainer and a certified DISG trainer and coach.
Training languages:
KeSch trainer coaches, consults and trains in German and English.